8 June 2021

Reimagining Post Pandemic Possibilities – An Open Webinar Invite

Reimagining Post Pandemic Possibilities: A Collaborative Exploration
June 29, 2021 – 11:30am -12:30pm PST

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted deep patterns of living and highlighted critical vulnerabilities within Canadian communities. The pandemic’s disproportional impact across a range of our population has been particularly acute: workers in essential, low wage jobs, women, minorities, youth, and post-secondary students serve as a few examples. Accepting a ‘status quo’ recovery is likely to exacerbate the structural inequity in our communities.

Where there is significant disruption, there is always the potential for transformation. The pandemic has sparked possibility thinking about a ‘just’ recovery, one that begins to embed resilience into our social systems and prioritizes the needs of all citizens. We have an incredible opportunity to transform our communities and systems as we ‘build back better.’

The key question is how? As a starting point, Erin Welk and Brent Wellsch will be hosting a two-part webinar series to convene community members to share, learn and openly develop potential pathways for transformation post-pandemic. Our intent is to facilitate and hold space for participants to gather and engage in these topics in an open and collaborative way.

Please register to attend our first session taking place on June 29, 2021, 11:30-12:30 PST using the link below:


We look forward to meeting you,

Erin Welk and Brent Wellsch